Oversized Cowl
Another Smaug inspired piece, because I love this scaley pattern way too much.
This is meant to be an oversized sweater.
I have a feeling I've already made it way too oversized, will run out of yarn soon (I planned for SEVEN skeins. NO, I won't add another. Nope.), will have to frog and re-do it entirely ( with slightly less ease). But I've got the general idea and shape laid out so all that's left is to execute (with seven skeins, and 'only' seven skeins).

A Moria inspired piece - intended to be a stole BUT I am still undecided. I'm afraid it'll turn out too heavy and quite unpractical. But the stitches combination, I am happy with :)
This'll be, again, a mix of slipped stitches and brioche, but this time there'll be some increases/decreases worked in the middle of the stole (or in the middle of the sweater, if this one ends up being a sweater -_-') to create interesting shapes - almost cable like, but without there being any cable involved.
There's also an Arkenstone inspired project in the works, but I haven't taken pictures of it yet. For now it involves crochet, stockinette and regular (but two-tone, worked in the round) brioche.

A Moria inspired piece - intended to be a stole BUT I am still undecided. I'm afraid it'll turn out too heavy and quite unpractical. But the stitches combination, I am happy with :)
This'll be, again, a mix of slipped stitches and brioche, but this time there'll be some increases/decreases worked in the middle of the stole (or in the middle of the sweater, if this one ends up being a sweater -_-') to create interesting shapes - almost cable like, but without there being any cable involved.
There's also an Arkenstone inspired project in the works, but I haven't taken pictures of it yet. For now it involves crochet, stockinette and regular (but two-tone, worked in the round) brioche.
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